
Hello, my name is Brooksie. I am an avid snacker and love to bake yummy treats. My story begins back in 2005, when I became vegan. Like most people, I have a major sweet tooth. It was such a struggle to find vegan options, especially tasty ones. What a bummer! I had to rectify this urgent problem, and became determined to create my own. But, where to begin?!? Lucky for me, a magic lightbulb appeared above my head. I decided to try and veganize some of my favorite family recipes. Thus, my baking journey had begun. After months of experimenting, I perfected my first recipe: the Congo Bar (now referred to as a blondie). DELICIOUS!! I was hooked and realized how much I loved to bake. A few years later, and with tons of encouragement from friends and family, I started Totally Sweet out of my home kitchen in Boston, MA. It began as word of mouth, taking custom orders for birthdays and weddings. Eventually, I landed a few accounts with some local cafes and coffee shops. My day job ended up moving me out to the Midwest, which sadly put my dreams of a baking career on hold. I finally took the plunge and quit my day job, moved to The Land and started Totally Sweet full time back in 2018. My plan is to build my customer base here in Cleveland and eventually open up a storefront in my neighborhood. I am very lucky to have amazing friends and family all over the country that are helping me make my dreams come true!